Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Say Thank You to Life Regularly

We are now in the 3rd month of the New Year—how are you doing on creating and manifesting the life you want to live?  What’s showing up for you in your daily experience?  What words are you saying when you tune into your self talk?  Are they encouraging and positive, or the opposite?
The single most powerful act towards conscious manifesting is to imagine, visualize and feel what life would be like if we already had what we want.  By doing this you will open the door to greater happiness.  You will begin to feel incredibly blessed and grateful.
When you say thank you to life regularly and on purpose you lower your stress and you begin to see what is working.  The more gratitude you feel, the more you create things to be grateful for. 
Look around your life now—what is in it that you can be happy about?  Do  you have happy, healthy children, a partner and mate?  Where do you live?  Do you have a roof over your head?  Do you get to move your body?  Do you give yourself nutritious meals?  Do you treat yourself to sunsets or sunrises?  Do you have friends?  Are you healthy? 
If you are not a hundred percent satisfied with your life you can change it.  You can create new structures and supports that almost guarantee you reach your goals!!
We are not victims of powerful past conditioning.  We can create anew! We can do this everyday and every moment! The place to start is now…the very minute we have a thought that doesn’t empower us. 
Changing your life doesn’t mean you ignore and deny your current experience if it is unpleasant.  Rather,  acknowledge the circumstance, and handle it.  But don’t focus and ruminate on all the bad things that could happen.   
Compassionately embrace where you are, but  keep your focus and  your energy on what you want it to be and what you want to experience. 
We can truly live the life we imagine—and we can hang on to our dreams and express from our highest place more and more frequently—until this higher set point becomes the new default position of our lives. 


A life coach can make the difference!

You honestly can have your ideal body, a better job, extra energy, more love, less stress, a fresh outlook!!!

Reach your goals, live the life of your dreams!

Bre Connelly- Wolfe, Professional Certified Integative Life Coach is offering free complimentary life Coaching sessions to help you live better!


You don’t have to tackle your challenges alone!!  You can change your life –you can lasting changes—BIG OR SMALL. 

Take one tiny action today by scheduling a session!   See immeditate positive differences in your life!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome to Transform Your Life

Welcome to the first blog for Transform Your Life, life coaching! I’m Bre Wolfe, a Professional Integrative Life Coach.  My blogs are about spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health. It’s about encouraging you to take risks so that you live more grandly each day.  I’ll have tips for staying balanced while juggling your various roles.   I’ll have quotes and tried and true bits of advice from ancient mystics as well as the worlds leading experts on inner peace, self love and transformation.

In this little corner of cyberspace, you can expect inspiration and motivation!  We are all faced with challenges and hardships --and they can shake us to the core.   But how hard we struggle directly depends on our attitude and our perspective. 

Here are some questions to think about:  what if lifes’ struggles, battles and seemingly insurmountable odds—really are gifts in disguise.  How would you view your “problems” differently?  What if you knew without a doubt that each challenge contained the most valuable present you could ever receive?

What if each scary, gut wrenching obstacle hid the most valuable assets life could hand you…assets that helped meld and mould you into the highest version of yourself that you could become.   What if life’s challenges were really opportunities that helped you evolve and transform yourself, experience by experience, into a wise, benevolent, compassionate and all loving person?  

I firmly believe that good comes from everything.  I know from experience, that with every cloud there truly is a silver lining.  That doesn’t mean I always immediately recognize that good.   However, with time, all of us can see the priceless growth we obtain from whatever hardships we’ve endured.  When we have hindsight, most of us can see the gift that was left at the end of an experience.  That gift or growth is what life is about. 

One of my favourite authors, Louise Hay, says—“...challenges are merely stepping stones to success”.   

This blog is created to encourage you to really live your life to the fullest!  As Nike says—“Just Do it!”  We have one life to live and we all have fear.   Courage is nothing more than fear that has said its prayers.  So if you have the tiniest inclination to try something you think you might enjoy, or a desire to do something you’ve been meaning to do forever—Don’t wait any longer!!!!!  Take the little step now.  “When you have made a beginning, you have half the deed done”.   You are meant to soar and manifest your greatest good.  Start where you are today.  Start by taking a little step in the direction of your dreams now!  If you can imagine it, you can have it!!

Best Bre